Louis Nameche Swimming Pool, Brussels

Extensive renovation of an existing swimming pool

CLIENT Beliris
LOCATION Rue Van Kalck, 93 I 1080 Brussels
AREAS 4.115 m²
BUDGET 8.130.000 € HTVA
TIMING 2010-2016
STATUS Completed
CREDIT Georges De Kinder

For the restoration of the Louis Nameche pool complex in Molenbeek, a great care has been given to the preservation of the architectural qualities of this public facility dating from the brutalist era.

Among the major features of the project, we can highlight:

  • The replacement of tiling in the main Olympic pool by a stainless-steel finish which requires less maintenance while giving the swimmers a specific feeling to see the natural color of water. This also allowed to integrate a vast mobile underwater floor enabling a variety of specific uses like aquagym, underwater spinning, or kids learning sessions.
  • The extensive areas of sun facing windows required sun control to avoid glare. To meet the challenge, we used a translucent paneling which combined acoustical properties while giving a striking visual effect.
  • The internal finishes have been completely renewed
  • The technical installations have been redesigned to meet up to date standards.